Remember yesterday's post, when I said it was "one-of-those-days"? Well, it really was. For a slew of reasons, I found myself feeling overwhelmed most of the day. I left work at beat out all my frustrations on a treadmill (and I am feeling that today...), and came home to Johnny. Wonderful Johnny. How did I ever do life without him? I have the best husband in the world.
I came home to a clean house. Clean. When I am stressed, cleaning is the first thing to go, yet having a clean house is soothing to my soul. Johnny understands this, and that is why he cleaned the house.
He did all the dishes. Another thing that goes when I'm stressed is washing dishes. We have a dishwasher, yet even the task of rinsing off the dishes becomes too much when I feel stressed. Johnny understands this, and that is why he cleaned the dishes.
He cooked me dinner. He went to Wegmans (our favorite store of all time, check out the Dining Tab on this site for that explaination) and got all the fixins for grilled salmon and fettuccine alfredo with peas and spinach. Johnny knows my favorite comfort foods, and that I love spinach in everything. Johnny understands this, and that is why he made me dinner.
*Side note: Johnny rubbed the salmon with this rub. My amazing mother found this rub years ago, and it changed my life. It's amazing. There's nothing like it in this world. My mom puts it in my stocking at Christmas. Please stop reading and buy this rub right now. Okay, moving on :)
He cleaned the dishes from dinner. Every single last one of them. He scrubbed down my kitchen. He understands me, and that is the most amazing thing in the world.
He gave me a back-rub, because my back has been killing me, and that's another thing that happens when I'm overwhelmed. He rubbed Tiger Balm on my back (works like a charm). Now my whole house smells like Tiger Balm, which is kind of like Vick's Vapor Rub. Just reminds me how sweet he is :) He let me go to bed early, and snuggled with me when I woke up this morning. I have the best husband in the world. Through everything, I would go back and choose him every single moment for the rest of my life. Being with him has been the most amazing journey, and I'm so unbelievably thankful that he is mine.
And he cleaned the house. Did I mention that? Yes, he's the best :)
And this is why, I always tell my mom that I look up to your marriage. You guys are absolutely incredible. I am so happy you have Johnny in your life. You both are perfect for each other.