Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Homemade Granola

Yes, it's true. I am the-girl-who-makes-her-own-granola. I do not hike in my spare time. I do not knit my own clothing. I do not take a stand against deodorant. But I do make my own granola, and it rocks. It's actually really easy, and it's about a million times better than store bought granola. Johnny has equally fallen in love with it, and we've even stopped buying cereal because we love this so much! I've been making it on a weekly basis for about a month now. I found the recipe in a Food Network magazine, but I've morphed it a bit based on some other recipes I've found. So, without further ado, here is June's recipe for homemade granola!

Here's your line-up:

We've got dried blueberries, sliced almonds, brown sugar, cinnamon, 
honey, wheat germ, Scottish oats, salt, and olive oil. 

*Note: You can use any dried fruit, I just like blueberries. You can use any oatmeal, but I swear by Scottish oats. You can use any oil, but I like olive oil. You can use any other nuts, but I just don't really like other types of nuts. You can use coconut, but I really despise coconut (do you see a trend here???). The point being, you can add and take away many ingredients from this, which makes it fun :)

Mix in all the oats, nuts, and wheat germ in a bowl. 

Add the cinnamon (I just pour it in until I'm content, but you can use the measurements listed at the end of this post...I just like living on the edge). 

Now add the brown sugar (same cinnamon principle applies to brown sugar). The first 
time I made this, I added too little brown sugar, and I felt like I was eating plain 
baked oats. Not great, believe me.


Next, you need about a half teaspoon of salt. I've learned how to eyeball this in the palm of my hand, and I thought I would share with you all what this looks like.

Mix all your dry ingredients well. I use my hands, but I promise you don't have to do everything the way I do. It will turn out almost as amazing no matter what :)


In a saucepan, pour two tablespoons of oil. I eyeball this again (another theme I'm seeing unfold), and it looks like this. Just in case you want to be as cool as me :)


Add one-third cup of honey. I actually measure out this one, because I get sort of an ill-feeling when things are too sweet, and honey can do that to ya. Heat this for just about thirty seconds over high heat, or until mixture is smooth and un-honey-like in its stickiness. Does this make sense to anyone else but me? Okay, how about you just heat it until they're mixed together.

Slowly pour this mixture over the oat mixture, tossing as you do this to mix evenly. I take the small saucepan in my left hand (because I'm right handed), and I slowly pour while stirring the oats with the spoon in my right hand. Because both hands are needed, there is no picture of this step. Please imagine it for me.

Once everything is mixed, spread the oats on a parchment lined baking sheet. Oh, they look so yummy. You can eat some now, and I promise they are good. Real good. 

Bake the oats at 250 degrees for 40 minutes. You need to check on them every 10 minutes and shuffle them around a bit with a spatula so they cook evenly. When they are golden brown, pull them out and let them cool. They should look like this:

Oh, this granola is so good. Promise.

Let the granola cool, and then add in the dried fruit. You can also add in chocolate chips or marshmallows, especially if you're trying to trick your kids into eating some healthy grains!
Serve with yogurt, milk, or anything else you can dream up! Enjoy!!!

Recipe for June's Homemade Granola:

  • 3 c oats
  • 1/2 c almonds
  • 1/2 c wheat germ
  • 3 T brown sugar
  • 1T cinnamon
  • 1/2 t salt
  • (you may also add coconut or other types of nuts in 1/4 c portions)
  • 1/3 c honey
  • 2 T oil
  • 1 c dried fruit (or chocolate chips, marshmallows, etc.)
Directions: Mix together oats, almonds, wheat germ, and other nuts. Add brown sugar, cinnamon, salt, and coconut. Mix well to incorporate. Heat oil and honey in a saucepan over medium-high heat until smooth and not sticky. Slowly pour over oat mixture to incorporate evenly. Spread onto a parchment lined baking sheet and bake at 250 degrees for 40 minutes, turning oats every 10 minutes to bake evenly. Let cool, and add mix-in item(s).


  1. I have always wanted to make granola but never had a recipe... Maybe this will inspire me to make some when I return from DC.

  2. It's really easy, definitely give it a whirl :)
