Friday, April 15, 2011


This post will be very frank. Hence the title. I also titled it "Frank" because I wanted people to think that maybe I got a dog and named him Frank. Or I was preggo, knew it was a boy, and was naming him Frank. Or I changed Johnny's name to Frank while he was at work (see what happens Johnny when you get a job???). None of the above scenarios are actually true. Except for me wanting to be frank. Everyone needs a good dose of honestly at times, right?

I am frustrated today. Work is stressful. Every relationship seems hard. I didn't sleep well last night. I feel more sensitive than normal. More irritable than normal. And I would kill for a ________ (you could insert any non-vegan food item here and it would suffice. Ice cream, shrimp, brie cheese, a big fat burger...). Do you ever have a day where you just want to walk outside, take a huge breath, and scream at the top of your lungs until you collapse? Well, frankly, today is one of those days.

I've learned there is no quick solution in matters of the heart. But I have learned that I need time alone, with Johnny, and with Jesus in order to keep the screaming and collapsing down to a dull roar. This evening, I am hoping to get some of that in my life. We all come to days like this, and I've found that it's how I handle these times that shape who I am. They're always tough, but they always refine me. 

Anyone have any insight? I always love hearing other people's perspective and wisdom they have to share. 

1 comment:

  1. I lOVE YOU!!! And have totally had the same week. Monday & Tuesday night I cried for an hour straight to Poor Philly. The type of histareical crying where I start talking nonsense and I am sure my husband thought I was totally crazy. So girl - I feel for you and LOVE YOU!

    P.S. Missed you last night... I should have dragged you with me -I was exhausted too and literally sat for half the worship (Felt like an old lady)
