Friday, April 1, 2011

We're Pregnant!

I don’t know if anyone remembers the blog about “To be or not to be?” Well, the debate is over. June and I have been really considering children for almost two years months now at this point. When we initially got married we agreed on the five year plan. Meaning, kids in five years would be great, but no sooner, please! I mean three and half is pretty close?!

June thought I should be the one to write this today because I originally posted the question last year about getting pregnant. I still can’t believe it. We were hoping that she wouldn’t get pregnant too soon with her brother’s wedding coming up in a few months. She is one of the bridesmaids. My sister (aka Guy, a nickname of hers) was preggo for our wedding, and let’s just say it was warm that day.

The thought of being parents is so exciting to both of us, really. We can’t wait to have our family expand. It is really the lack of sleep I am dreading. We have begun praying already that they sleep like their mother. Unfortunately, we already know that I will be getting up in the middle of the night whenever the baby starts crying. 

At about ten every evening June falls into a shallow state of hibernation. Despite her flailing throughout the night, she doesn’t truly wake until about the third time her alarm goes off. If June came with a label, it would say "For best results, 8 hours of sleep required, 12 hours preferred." We have had storms in the middle of the night that have brought down trees in our backyard that didn't wake her up. It is unbelievable.  I wake at the drop of a pin, or June's arm falling on top of me.  Yet, nothing wakes this girl!

No joke. I am pretty sure at this point we could have won three funniest home video contests with June’s sleeping habits. We will save those habits for another day, because today we are celebrating the news of June’s pregnancy! Come late October we will be having someone else join Johnny and June!!!

Stay tuned, as I am sure June will be giving constant updates of her pregnancy!

By the way, did you check the date today? If not, you should look at a calendar stat :)


  1. I hate you. Both. I hate you both so much. OH MY WORD. I wish you could have seen what just went down in my apartment. I read the title of the post. I screamed. I ran for my phone. I realized my phone was dead. I berated my phone for ALWAYS failing me when I need it most. I considered driving over to your house, or running, which would have been faster because I was so elated, to congratulate you in person (which, in retrospect, would have been hysterical). I jumped up and down and thought about the fastest way to contact you. Then I decided to actually read the post and finally sat still long enough to read the whole thing.


    All I can say is...I have a pretty big box over here, and I think you should both get in it and think about what you've done.

    Well played, my friends. Well played :)

  2. I just had to pick up my jaw after reading this... I have been trying to get people all day. I can't believe I fell for the title of this post... I was like *sigh* I had to find out through a blog post!! haha. Good job Johnny!

  3. HAHAHA oh Beka and Vic, I think this is EXACTLY what Johnny was going for :) I will go on record saying that this was NOT my idea and any revenge should be plotted against Johnny alone :)

  4. I was just about to text you a congratulations message and flip out until I looked at the date! My eyes were HUGE as I read the title. You guys are horrible! I still love you.
