Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A List for Tuesday

Oh blog, has it been five days? Five days since I last informed you of the craziness that is our life? Please accept my sincerest apologies, and this list of random stories as a token of my regret.
  • It was beautiful weather this weekend. Beautiful. Johnny and I took a walk together both Saturday and Sunday night. When we first met (and Johnny was trying to convince me to marry him...) we went on walks, a lot. We would tell stories about our childhoods, share hopes and dreams of the future, try to spot some constellations, and take in the peacefulness of the evening. I guess you could say it's our thing. This weekend's walks consisted of more constellation observation, frog hunting (yes, I like frogs, and Johnny is entertained by my frog hunts), and more hopes and dreams of the future. Such a restful way to end a day.
  • Remember when Johnny shared that he landed two part time jobs? Well, he started training for one of them this Sunday! That's right, I'm married to a working man :) He is currently training to be a server at Carrabba's. Johnny is thrilled to be working again, and getting to eat some fabulous food while he's at it. 
  • I watched this video on CNN about Extreme Couponing. Is anyone else following this show? There are times where it's really cool, and sometimes where it actually makes me sick. I'm definitely an "all-things-in-moderation" chick, so sometimes watching a person purchase 25 jugs of detergent is a little overwhelming for me. Anyway, thanks to Target's online coupons, this coupon website, and this coupon blog, I actually found some great deals. Armed with coupons in hand, Johnny and I headed to Target on Friday (I know, crazy Friday night plans), and left with four bags of groceries, having saved $10 from my clippings! We scored four boxes of Kashi cereal, two bags of organic tortilla chips, rice milk, and some other goodies. Heck yes.
  • While hunting our local grocery store for more vegan products, I came across Amy's Macaroni and Soy Cheese. I was pretty stoked, because her real Macaroni and Cheese meal is amazing. Like, one of my favorite mac and cheese meals ever. The label did say that it contained milk protein, but lactose free. Does that mean it's vegan? Well, I gave it a shot. Oh. My. Land. It was the grossest thing I've ever eaten. I don't know if I just take cheese very seriously, and as a result cannot be fooled by soy cheeze (yes, it's spelled with a "z", and that should have been my first clue), but it was not good. The sauce tasted like the cardboard it was wrapped in. The smell was like hot cardboard. Are you getting the picture yet? Bleh. Amy, I normally love your products, but this one gets a big fat thumbs down. 
Anyhow, that is the latest goings in the Johnny & June household. If anyone has strong opinions on walks, couponing, or soy cheeze, please share :)

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