Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Field Trip

Today is a sunny day. I repeat, sunny. Today the sun is out. Shining. Beating down. Bringing new life to the dead of Rochester, NY. For those of you who do not live in a place like Rochester, you may not understand the magnitude of this concept. I feel like we've gone weeks without the sun shining, and today it is. Hallelujah. 

I am the Assistant Director in my office. Today, the three people that rank higher than me are on vacation. So, I'm in charge :) Oh boy. *Insert plan laugh here* This power should not be placed in my hands when coincidentally the sun is out for the first time in about 47 years. Part of my power-for-the-day responsibilities include running our staff meeting, and I've made the executive decision to take a field trip for staff meeting to a local coffee shop. These days are few and far between when one lives in upstate NY, so one must fully embrace them when they do. Even if it is only 45 degrees outside, I plan on getting an iced beverage, sitting on the patio, and soaking up some rays (while in my winter coat).

And I will be the happiest girl this side of San Diego. Okay, maybe not (because I've been to San Diego, and those people are pretty darn happy), but it will be close :)

P.S. Please watch the Plan Laugh video. Again, everything in life can be referenced back to Friends. I promise this is true, and I will continue to show you this truth, blog after blog.

P.P.S. Remind me of how happy I am right now when it's snowing two days from now. Oh Rochester, how you play with my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Love catching up on your blog! So glad you're back. I missed you :-)
