Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Job Coach

I am not sure how I failed to mention this, but I hired a job coach when I put my two weeks notice in at Always Greed First my previous place of employment.  My coach is a woman, and she is good at what she does.  In some way, she reminds me of June, and in others ways she is June.  Fortunately, she does not work on Sundays, so I got a nice break from 

Monday morning rolled around (first day of being a stay-at-home-husband), and I learned quickly how the word ‘ain’t’ ain’t in her vocabulary.  I had strategically mapped out my first day of unemployment right from the living room couch.  The plan involved a lot of window gazing and fantasizing about endless job possibilities.  I mean, why settle again for another 8-5 position? Not this time.  This time, I was dreaming about world domination.

I received a call, and by call, I mean a visit. And when I say a visit, I mean to say that my wife coach was standing over me, telling me that I better go out and get a job today.  That was it.  There ain’t no quit in that girl.  She went back to the bathroom to finish brushing her teeth, blow-drying her hair, and adding mascara – all at the same time.  It is in art I haven’t quite mastered (with the exception of the blow-drying and mascara), or even figured out for that matter.

So, I listened to my coach. I manned up like I said I would. I was determined that when I left Always Greed First my last job that I would not sit around waiting for Heaven to open up and give me job. Thanks for reminding me of that Coach :) I set out Monday afternoon, spending the majority of my time at some local restaurants trying to land a serving position.  When it comes to part-time jobs, they definitely offer the most bang-for-your-buck.  

I am excited, because I have a job interview later today with a fine establishment owned by some locals. I am not a huge fan of the chain restaurants.  There are a couple I would go to bat for, but most chains paint a smile on your face when you work there, and leave you ill from their homemade “special” sauce.  

My interview is at 2pm.  Wish me bluckings [luck and blessings]!  BTW, I received a flyer in the mail last week with a scratch off, claiming that I could win a car, an iPad, $10,000 cash, and lots more.   And guess what? I was a winner!  I already knew that, but I am going to claim my prize later today.  June seems to think these things were created for us stay-at-home-husbands, and that I’m being sucked into a scam, but I am convinced I will show up to this used car establishment with my scratch-off and win a prize. Remind me to let you know what I won!

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